Mobile still rules in 2012

I recently attended a technology round table discussion over lunch with a group of IT professionals from the Baltimore/ Washington area.  Not surprisingly, the two main topics of discourse were…

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The Benefits of True In-House Leasing with Advance

Advance entered the leasing business as a value added service for our clients, to avoid the pitfalls associated with outside leasing companies. We didn’t want a third party leasing firm damaging our treasured partnership with our clients. Moreover, by providing our own leasing, we can offer our customers an unmatched level of flexibility.

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PDF/A in the Legal System

Currently, U.S Courts mandate PDF submissions for legal filings such as complaints, bankruptcy petitions, briefs and depositions through CM/ECF. However, the Federal Judiciary is planning to change the technical standard for filing documents from PDF to PDF/A.

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Behind the Scenes in the Advance Showroom

In this edition of The Stuff vlog, we take a look inside the Advance showroom and hear about our specialization in electronic document workflow through a combination of hardware and software products. Come see the showroom and have a look at some of the efficiencies in wireless printing and electronic document workflow.

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