software enhancements


Your Internal Workflows may be Losing You Time & Money

Your workforce is becoming more mobile every single day. Through the help of new technology such as cloud-based apps, mobile printing, and 5G, your team can work from anytime, anywhere. While new technologies may make your team more mobile, sharing information has never been more complicated.

The push to share documents and files digitally is fueled by promises of greater productivity, improved speed, and time saved from tedious work. However, simply swapping manual physical processes for manual digital processes means that productivity remains unrealized. Just because a workflow is made to be digital doesn’t make it efficient. In fact, a manual digital process can end up having more “moving parts” and more touch points — creating more chances for human error. Uncontrolled documents are a root cause of inefficiency, which costs money, wastes time, reduces accuracy, decreases productivity, and increases risk to your organization.

The answer is not in going backward but in going forward to secure the promised productivity of digital workflows. We accomplish this by reducing the burden of data entry and the need for workers to continually shepherd files along to where they need to go. When automation is done right, it is intelligent, repeatable and reliable.

The Solution

Do you use SharePoint, Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, or Box?  If so, then you’re well accustomed to the process of getting scanned paper to the cloud. With Cloud Workflows, you can turn your multifunction printer (MFP) into a document workflow powerhouse. If you've ever had to scan, email, download, convert, save to a folder, upload or organize files, you know how time consuming these manual tasks can be. Think of the security vulnerabilities and the opportunity for human error as your employees develop workarounds and skip important steps in order to get their work done more efficiently. Save time, improve productivity and automate repetitive document workflow tasks with the push of a button by quickly routing your documents to the right place, in the right format and with the right file name.

Cloud Workflows replace tedious processes with direct scanning and routing, right from your multifunctional device.  Documents can be securely uploaded to the proper location in the cloud, using various file formats, including Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to allow for searching or editing.  With workflows such as Advanced Scan to SharePoint, required metadata fields are even automatically populated.

Automated Scanning

Scan to email

Scan to cloud accounts

  • Easily scan and send documents to cloud applications, as an email attachment and as a fax – all at the same time. In addition, you have the option to print scanned documents on the device.
  • Scan documents with embedded QR codes and automatically route to a cloud application.
  • Scan a stack of documents – the application will auto classify the document types – and route to a cloud application destination folder.

Scan to local folders

  • Scan and organize documents in a cloud application. Even create folders and files with names based on provided metadata.

Intelligent scan to SharePoint

  • Scan a document to a library in SharePoint Online. Metadata fields are populated based on the information provided at the MFP operation panel.

Scan with QR cover sheet

  • Print embedded QR code cover sheets with user-defined attributes using your machine’s operation panel. You can also scan and route documents to a cloud application while you’re at it.
  • Scan documents with embedded QR codes and automatically route to a cloud application.

Mobile Printing

Print from the Cloud

  • Print files from a cloud repository by browsing and selecting files directly from the MFP operation panel.

Secure Mobile Printing

  • Print documents from mobile devices or tablets with secured release
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Why Cloud Workflow Solutions?

Streamline Workflows

Leverage your Ricoh Multi-Function Printer to simplify document related processes. Whether you are looking to convert documents to digital format, scan to email, scan directly to cloud services (such as Box™, Dropbox™, Google Drive™, SharePoint™, RICOH Content Manager and more) or scan directly to folders on your local network, Ricoh Smart Integration can streamline the process.

Reduce Manual Data Entry

Many businesses are enjoying the ease of outsourcing a wide variety of software capabilities that used to be done in-house — including company email, office productivity suites, accounting, HR applications and file storage. However, applications like these still need to be fed with data. This can cause an unwelcome productivity hit as people are required to step in and do things manually — like extracting useful data, entering content, assigning file tags or descriptions, even retyping information. These tasks can be avoided when files are made system-ready automatically.

Route Information Where it's Needed

Knowing what types of information go to which systems or processes is often left to people. The knowledge that a customer record is stored in two systems or that a delivery receipt needs to be additionally faxed or emailed may only be held by the people performing these processes. This can create layers and layers of related but disconnected steps. The solution is to connect these related steps and send information directly to its destination.

Free Up Your Staff

Even with modern office processes, inefficiency can creep in. One day, you realize you have too many touch points requiring manual input and not enough people that know the required steps. You can achieve productivity by automating tedious steps and carrying them out behind the scenes — freeing up time for other important but under-served projects.

Improve Your Speed and Accuracy

In general, digital information moves quickly, but it can still be delayed by multiple touch points or left waiting in queues before it’s on to the next stage. Automation can make information available to those who need it by preparing it properly and getting it to its final destinations fast. Establishing consistency regarding how users can influence the data can also improve accuracy and reduce risk of errors like misfiling.

Get Up and Running Fast with No Capital Expenditures, Onsite Servers or Special Software to Implement

Our Cloud Workflow Solutions are secured and rigorously maintained for you, so there’s no capital expenditure or complex IT issues to work through. Choose from different subscription-based services packages depending on your needs.

  • Organize content for efficient retrieval
  • Direct scan-to-cloud accounts, including SharePoint®
  • Extract useful data from paper
  • Improve accounting processes and speed up billing
  • Gain continuous, ongoing access to the latest technology
  • Focus on outcomes instead of worrying about ownership

Client Testimonial

“[Advance] took the time to get to know us and all the needs of our small operation. [Advance] presented intelligent options for saving us money and over all made us feel like they would truly take care of our copier needs both now and as we hopefully continue to grow in the future.”

Steve R.
Hardware Solutions Customer